
Light Weight Social Media Platform (Ready Steady Go)

Written by Upeksha Indeewara

Project Details:

  • Project Name: Ready Steady Go

  • Starting Date: July 29, 2023

  • End Date: July 30, 2023

"Ready Steady Go" is an innovative group project inspired by a dream, resulting in a lightweight social media platform tailored for vehicle enthusiasts. Featuring a sleek dark theme, robust user features, and a responsive design, this project exemplifies the team's dedication, technical proficiency, and creativity. It draws inspiration from a prior project, "Functional Selling Platform for Wrist Watches" (Wrist Wise), marking a significant milestone in the team's journey.

Project Overview:

"Ready Steady Go" serves as a social media platform for automotive enthusiasts. The project was a collaborative effort, with team members contributing to both the frontend and backend development. It was built using a tech stack that includes HTML, CSS with Bootstrap 4.0 for the frontend, and PHP with MySQL for backend development and database management. The website boasts a sleek dark theme, and every element, from containers to input fields, was thoughtfully designed to align with this aesthetic. JavaScript was also incorporated to enhance the overall user experience.

Languages / Frameworks and Libraries:

  • PHP

  • HTML

  • CSS

  • Bootstrap 4.0

  • MySQL

  • JavaScript

Functionality of the website:

This social media platform replicates the essential features of social networks, including user registration, login, profile editing, post creation, and support for public and private posts. Additionally, a homepage, a unique feature not commonly found on other platforms, was added.

  • User Registration and Login: Users can securely register and log in, with PHP sessions managing authentication through a MySQL database. Robust security measures, including the mysqli_stmt_prepare() function, prevent SQL injection attacks.

  • Post Creation: Users must be logged in to create posts. The homepage showcases the ten latest public posts in image format, omitting captions and additional content.

  • Private and Public Posts: Authenticated users can access all their private posts from the "Private" page and can create private posts visible only to themselves.

  • User Reactions: Users can like and comment on posts, with each post displaying the number of likes and comments it has received. Comment authors can delete their comments.

Design and User Experience (UX):

The team prioritized a responsive design to ensure the platform functions seamlessly on all devices. Engaging animations, transitions, and hover effects were incorporated to enhance the overall user experience.

Team Contribution:

This project was a collaborative effort, and my teammates provided invaluable support and contributions throughout the project phases. While I took on a significant portion of the development tasks, the success of Ready Steady Go is a testament to our collective effort and teamwork.

Student ID


GitHub Username


Upeksha Indeewara



Vidumini Ranasinghe



Kasuni Abeynayake



Dinishi Abeywickrama



Indira Liyanarachchi



Sanuthi Siriwardena



Yureni Isunima



Reji Iniyan



Kaveesh Gunasekara



Vithjeshyan Sujanthan



"Ready Steady Go" represents a remarkable group project, brought to life from a dream-inspired vision. This endeavor showcases the team's prowess in web development, bringing a concept to life within a two-day timeframe. It underscores the team's dedication, technical proficiency, and creativity, making it a significant milestone in their web development journey. Inspired by a prior project, "Functional Selling Platform for Wrist Watches" (Wrist Wise), this venture has broadened their skills and insights, equipping them to tackle diverse web development challenges in the future.